
I’m Kim


Can I let you in on something? I absolutely love seeing that moment when someone realises feeling good isn’t just for ‘other people’ – it’s for them too. As a nutritionist and Metabolic Balance practitioner, I believe in looking at the whole picture – because your mental and physical wellbeing are beautifully connected. Everything from your energy levels to your mood, your weight to your stress levels – they’re all part of your unique wellness story.

My Journey to Helping Others

Life has a funny way of pointing us in the right direction, doesn’t it? For me, it was during my pregnancy when I first discovered the amazing power of nutrition. After seeing a nutritionist and experiencing how small changes in my diet could make such a big difference, I was hooked! I couldn’t wait to learn more about how food could help not just me, but my family too.

That curiosity led me down an incredible 16-year path of studying nutrition and helping others transform their lives through food. And let me tell you – watching my clients light up when they start feeling better is still the best part of my day!

Why I Do What I Do

Here’s a little secret: even as a nutritionist who knew all the “right” things to eat, I still struggled with feeling tired and unmotivated.  Then I tried the Metabolic Balance program, and it was like someone finally handed me the owner’s manual for my body! Now I know exactly what foods make me feel my best, and I love helping others find their own perfect mix.

Want to know what really lights me up? It’s when my clients start noticing changes they never expected. Sure, there’s the usual “I had to buy new pants!” (happy dance!), but it’s also the “I feel so much clearer and calmer” or “I actually have energy to make dinner after work.”

How I Can Help You

Together we’ll explore your health history and design a plan that fits your life – because wellness shouldn’t feel like another chore on your to-do list.  We’ll explore the symptoms you are experiencing, run some tests (if needed) and adopt food and lifestyle changes to promote better sleep, increased energy, sustainable weight management and a calmer mind.

Here’s a gentle nudge: When was the last time you really checked in with yourself – body, mind, and spirit? I know, I know – life is busy! But imagine having the energy and clarity to really show up for all those things you care about. Sounds nice, right?

Ready to discover what true, holistic wellness feels like? Let’s chat!

P.S. If you’re wondering whether this is your time to make a change, try this: Say out loud “My health isn’t a priority.” Doesn’t sit right, does it? Maybe that’s your answer. 😊