Menopause – is it menopause or MENOPAUSE for you?  Some people feel like hiding away, just talking about it in secret whispered tones with fellow sufferers.  Perhaps mourning the perceived loss of youth and the onset of joining the wrinkles and grey hair brigade.  For others it is a celebration of the freedom from risk of pregnancy and confidence in once abilities and strengths.  Everyone’s experience is unique and right for them.

Officially menopause refers to the last or final period experienced by a women.  As you approach menopause, periods may become less frequent. A women is considered post menopausal when she has had no periods for 12 months.  The average age of onset is about 50 years, with most women becoming menopausal between 45 – 55 years.

In the time leading up to menopause a women may find her periods become irregular and the flow may change becoming heavier or lighter or a mix of both.  Symptoms that go along with this may include hot flushes, night sweats, aches and pains, fatigue, weight gain, loss of libido, vaginal dryness and mood swings.  Some people get no symptoms others have symptoms for 5 – 10 years, there is no normal or way to predict how long they will last.

Given that on average women now live one-third of their life after menopause it makes sense to optimise physical and mental health throughout this period.   There is no need to suffer in silence and just accept it as something you have to go through.

Treatment will depend on the symptoms and their severity.  It may be as simple as modifying your diet and adding in a few lifestyle changes.   The Metabolic Balance program has helped many women adjust their diet and see an improvement in their menopausal symptoms. Contact me if you would like my help in this area.

Remember as always, it is important to seek the advice of a qualified professional to ensure the individuals circumstances are taken into consideration.