Stop feeling like you’ve surrendered control of your weight and moods to your hormones

And rediscover that slimmer, calmer more energetic version of you!

(Without having to fork out for meal replacement shakes or spend hours at the gym)

If you’re a busy working mum who sometimes forgets where she left her car keys …

This might sound familiar

– You’ve noticed the aches, bloating and lapses in memory and focus have become impossible to ignore.

– The weight you put on last Christmas still hasn’t budged even though you’ve been fasting and using meal replacement shakes for months.

– You promised yourself when the kids were a bit older and you had more time you’d take better care of yourself but you wonder if that day will ever come.

– You give 110% to looking after your family and you know the time you spend on yourself benefits the family, but you struggle to give yourself permission.

frustrated woman

If only you could feel confident in your body again, wear clothes you love and have enough energy to last the whole day.

Because you feel like you should be able to manage your health and self-care by now but then a child gets sick or you have to work late and you no longer have the energy or the motivation and you’re back to square one.

What if there was an easy way to stay on track to lose the weight and get your real self back??

The truth is you don’t have to starve yourself or join the local boot camp. You can have a qualified nutritionist cheer you on and help you navigate the touch parts of the journey, so you can get back to feeling your real self again and enjoying this time in your life.

When I first came to Kim , I didn’t have much control over my diet. Kim is patient and helps look for alternatives, is accepting of frustrations – I never feel judged or criticised.  Kim always focuses on the solution and suggests alternatives. Now I have more control over my health, I don’t have heartburn or indigestion, the food agrees with me

Lesley Anne


The 12-Week Metabolic Balance Program

A step-by-step solution for tired, working mums, who want feel confident in their bodies, wear clothes they love (not just the clothes they can hide behind), and have energy that lasts the whole day.

I’ve taken everything I’ve learned from helping dozens of women as a nutritionist combined with my training in Metabolic Balance and packaged it up as a 12-week program.

As I’ve taken women like you through diet changes, I’ve helped them discover what they can and can’t eat.

But I’ve realised you need more than a list of banned foods.  

You need more connection, more support when the times are tough and someone to help you with ideas for what to cook when you just don’t want to make another decision.

woman in a sunflower field

The overall outcome is:

You’ll KNOW what food gives you energy, helps you sleep better and means you can fit back into your pre-kids clothes.

The 12 week Metabolic Balance Program

It isn’t about following a generic diet plan or exhausting exercise regime.

I’ll create step-by-step action plan just for you.  I’ll show you what you can eat, how much to eat, and when to eat.

It’ll be simple and easy to follow and you’ll love the increased energy, sleep and seeing the numbers on the scales drop.

Go for it. You won’t look back. Kim is an amazing support and she genuinely cares about your success. Her knowledge and advice are above expectation.


The Metabolic Balance Program IS DIFFERENT BECAUSE

  • It’s not just about how much you eat and relying on your willpower and motivation to exercise.
  • Your own individual eating plan provides the perfect nutrients for you and regular sessions with me – a qualified nutritionist –  will help you stay accountable and navigate the journey to bring your body back into balance.
  • You have someone tracking your progress, celebrating with you when the results are good and getting you back on track when they aren’t so great.

With a healthy metabolism and balanced hormones, you’ll stop feeling hungry, you’ll look and feel fabulous into your 40s, 50s and beyond…


  • Learn to understand the hidden triggers you have around food, so you know the difference between being hungry and your brain tricking you to get the next sugar hit.
  • Lose weight by eating simple food that’s easy to prepare, with ingredients that you recognise and all the family can eat.
  • Know the types of food that agree with your body  and make YOU feel better, which means no more bloating, constipation, or aches and pains – so you can achieve optimal health and be more present at home and at work.
  • Go to a restaurant and order the meal that is healthiest for you not because you have to, but because it is the meal that you want to eat.
plate of salad



Initial Consultation

Health history

Personal Preferences



Blood Test

1 Blood draw

36 parameters

Plan Creation

Meal Plan

Shopping List

Foods chosen for you


Seven 1:1 consultations




Facebook Group


  • A smart phone app so you’ll always have your plan with you when eating out or shopping

  • Getting started guide – to provide ideas and motivation, which is great when you are first starting out

  • Recipe book – including nourishing recipes for inspiration and help so you don’t have days when you don’t know what to cook.

  • Guides to help you with defining your values and mindful eating

  • A private  Facebook support group – to share your wins and get  handy hints, extra recipes, support and motivation

Imagine what life will be like when…

You feel motivated, energised and you feet great in your body

Your menopause symptoms are gone

You no longer crave sugar and you understand what food makes you feel GOOD


Metabolic Balance reset your body logo

It is a great program and once you get into the swing of things the results are amazing. The support and accountability definitely drives success.


Your investment :

The Metabolic Balance Program including all bonuses listed above is $1525


$700 Deposit and 3 x monthly payments of $330

Initial consultation = $165


Book your free 15-minute call today to find out if this program is right for you

So who am I to be telling you how to lose weight?

I’m a qualified Nutritionist and am passionate about everything to do with food and the difference it can make to your health and well-being.  I love helping people find balance in their lives, with natural healthy solutions backed by an evidence based approach.

I saw a nutritionist when pregnant with my son and was impressed by the difference small changes to diet made to my skin, energy and hormonal health.  Eager to learn more about cooking food that would truly nourish my family I enrolled to study nutrition.  Fast forward about 10 years and now I love sharing my knowledge, I want to help as many people as I can thrive through their food choices!

Being a nutritionist I was a fairly healthy eater, however when I started my own Metabolic Balance program I found a resolution to constantly feeling tired, lacking motivation and stabilising my weight.  It’s truly personalised and has helped me identify what food my body runs best on!  I love guiding clients through their own personalised Metabolic Balance program and helping them achieve their personal health goals.

Kim Healey Nutritionist headshot

Got questions?

Here are some questions people have asked before saying “heck, yeah!” to Metabolic Balance

Do I have to stay on the Metabolic Balance Plan forever?

The program works through 4 phases allowing more flexibility as you progress.   The program is not just a diet, it will set you up for life.  It becomes a lifestyle change as you learn what foods are best for YOUR body. You’ll always have the list of foods that are best for you which you can return to, if the need arises. 

After dieting I always put the weight back on again, will this happen with Metabolic Balance?

Metabolic Balance is not so much a diet, but a lifestyle change. Many popular diets often leave you short of energy which can result in food cravings and the so-called yo-yo effect. Metabolic Balance is created for you using your unique blood values, your metabolism and your current nutritional status and is designed to provide you with sufficient energy, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. You’ll learn instinctively which foods are right for you and which foods make you feel good. This means that your success is then in your hands as each individual nutrition plan offers you the blueprint for long-lasting success.  

Do I have to give up alcohol?

During the initial reset phase there is no alcohol, soft drink or fruit juice allowed.  Once treat meals are introduced you can include alcohol with your treat meal.

Do I have to exercise?

You don’t have to be great at exercising or be a gym junkie to have fantastic results with the Metabolic Balance program.  The program achieves metabolic health primarily through your food. In fact during the first two weeks, you need to keep your exercise to a minimum. After that, you can do more exercise – but you don’t have to. Of course it’s important to be active and move regularly on a regular basis so we do encourage this when the time is right. 

How long will it take me to get to my goal weight?

Everyone is different and releases weight at a rate appropriate to them.  Some people reach their desired weight within the 12 week program, others who have more weight to release require a longer timeframe, and further consultations can be booked to help achieve this.

So if you’re ready to get back to the calmer, slimmer, more energetic version of you…

Book your free 15-minute call to find out if the 12-Week Metabolic Balance Program is right for you!

MB client 1
MB before and after
Before and after image for someone on Metabolic Balance