How Well Do You Handle Stress?

This quiz gives an indication of how well you are handling stress at the moment. Stress can take its toll on the body, and being stressed for long periods of time can create negative long-term effects.

This assessment is for educational purposes and should not be considered as medical advice. If you’re experiencing severe stress or anxiety, please consult with a healthcare professional.

Are you ready?



Do you get headaches?

Do you get sick (cold and flu)?

Do you get indigestion?

Do you overeat?

Do you forget to eat?

Does your neck ache?

Do you feel tired?

Do you have trouble sleeping?

Do you drink alcohol?

Do you find it difficult to exercise?

Do you drink coffee?

Do you feel irritable or easily annoyed?

Do you find it hard to make decisions?

Do you feel overwhelmed or helpless?

Do you feel insecure?

Do you respond in anger to minor problems?

Do you have difficulty winding down or relaxing?

Do you want to cancel appointments with your friends?

Do you have difficulty enjoying your hobbies?

Do you have difficulty focusing your attention?

Do you set unrealistic deadlines?